Thursday, February 09, 2006

Rhymin' and (not) Stealin'

So during the course of my occasional posts here, I've realized that the method of posting audio and video is far from user-friendly. Having to download each track is frankly a pain, especially if you're at work and trying to do it on the D.L. I've arrived at a solution: links that lead directly to the tracks themselves (assuming you have WMP as your default.)

My lack of CSS expertise leads me to list the following disclaimer here, rather than in the sidebar:

Tracks posted here are intended for the promotion of the artists and the music itself. If you represent any of these artists, and you would like the content in question removed, email me. It will be done with the quickness.

Otherwise, check out some of the songs I post. If nothing else, this blog affords me the opportunity to share some of my eccentric musical tastes, and maybe turn some people on to artists they've yet to discover.

I should also mention that many of the videos I link to were originally posted at a couple of great blogs for hip-hop videos:

The Video Crates


Old School Music Videos

So go ahead and stop by once in while. And make sure your computer at work has speakers.

Gangstarr - Jazz Thing (video)

D-Nice - Crumbs on the Table (video)

Pep Love - T.A.M.I. - (buy)

RJD2 - 1976 - (buy)

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